Bluetooth USB: Linking History with Technology

By: Sandra Stammberger

In the 10th century, a Danish king united into a single kingdom some parts of Norway and Denmark (Scandinavia). He then introduced Christianity in Denmark. However, in the year 986, he was killed in a battle with Svend Forkbeard, his son. But before the event, he was able to construct a big monument for his parents, it was named the Jelling Rune Stone. His name was Harald Blatand ( the surname roughly means Bluetooth if translated in English).

The name was chosen to stand for the significance the Baltic Regions in the communications industry have ( including Sweden, Denamark, Finland and Norway from which the leading companies in the industry came from), though the term Bluetooth has little or no connection at all with how the technology applies. Also, Blatand's historical significance neatly resembled how the Bluetooth technology unites companies, industries and devices.

The technology was first conceptualized and researched by Ericsson. However, the Bluetooth technology (and Bluetooth USB) were duly credited to the SIG or Bluetooth Special Interest Group. The core group is composed of the companies- Ericsson®, Microsoft®, Intel®, Nokia®, IBM, Lucent®, 3Com®. However, it is composed of more than 2000 members. The SIG is not a single company, but it is a group of companies covered by legal aggreements.

The bluetooth usb networking works by data transmission through the radio waves with low power. It communicates on 2.45 frequency; this frequency was designated purposely for ISM band use only or Industrial, Scientific and Medical devices. Garage door openers and a number of cordless phones are some of the examples of devices, which makes use of the same band frequencies.

However, the problem with how these devices and BluetoothUSB would not interfere with each other was a crucial aspect of the design.

Bluetooth USB is a wireless technology, which in principle eliminated the bulk of cables and wire connections. It employs the advantages of the technology for short-range radio frequencies. Bluetooth USB made possible short-term signal transmissions between computers, telephones and other gadgets. Additionally, Bluetooth USB has made the synchronization and communication between the devices easier.

More and more, the process of connecting devices has become overly complicated. The pieces and parts in a computer, telephone and entertainment comprise the system of electronic devices installed in each part. To be able for these items to send signals, one has to supply the cables, connectors, wires, protocols and plugs. With the advent of bluetooth technology and Bluetooth USB, these factors were taken away.

However, in the early years, computer users had to deal with the difficulty of not using the full potentials of their units because of the dilemma in connecting the parts to the main host which may either be a computer, and a number of technological systems.

Bluetooth USB has set the standard for newer versions of computer systems and the majority of laptop units.

The growing consensus among computer users these days is the switch from desktops to laptops as their major PC units. This then brought the needs and sales for Bluetooth USBs due to the fact that the Bluetooth USB technology covers the application for the majority of laptop productions. The old RS-232 interface installed in older computer units is now outdated and no longer apply with the newer versions of USB computer peripherals, specifically the 2.0 USB Version and the Bluetooth USB.

Other items that make use of Bluetooth USB are the Palmtops, PDAs and mobile phones, Pocket PCs, tablet PCs, speakers, modems, webcams, video phones, digital cameras and the likes.

Article Source:
S. Stammberger is editor of Computer Geek Blog. Computer Geek Blog offers computer, windows and internet help for beginners.


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